Wednesday, April 27, 2016

In depth Part dos

My Grandmother brought my mother into this world in 1935 inserting her in the predetermined position from God, as her youngest child of seven.  She spent most of her childhood trying to keep up with her older brothers; Her only sister was a lot older then she was and had a family of her own.  Until she graduated high school in 1955 venturing out on her own at the beginning of the Civil Right Movement. 

I do not know at what point in her adult life that she met my father.  However, in 1960's she gave birth to her second child Sandra.  Who I never had the chance to meet because she was born lactose intolerant during a time when milk alternatives, such as soy milk, had not been developed.  Although my mon kept trying to feed her regular milk she was unable to keep enough on her stomach to survive.

For the next six years she went on to give birth to six children.  The youngest one being my brother Rodney.   Whom I say was born to be called home; He was still borne.  This unfortunate and untimely situation caused me to become known as the youngest daughter of my grandmother's youngest daughter.


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