Lately I have been searching the chapters and verses of the Bible to find a particular verse. Maybe you can help me find it. I am looking for the verse where God clearly states that one race or person is better than the other. The one that causes him to contradict himself.
While I was still trying to find the verse, I came across a verse that contradicts my own question.
In Romans 2:11 the Apostle Paul says: "For there is no respect of person with God."
Then in Acts 10:34 Peter confirms what Paul says. Peter says: " I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism."
So, if I have successfully found two verses that confirms, for me, that God does not show favoritism I now challenge you to direct me to one verse that proves and supports that He, God. does support one or person over another.
Take your time. I will wait. but, will not hold my breath.