Hey, Guys! Sorry for the lapse in between blogs. But sometimes life happens. Nothing major or life changing occurred; I have just been busy with life.
Here is a few hints to upcoming blogs.
I have a thirteen year old son who is in the 7th grade. Knowing that he feels more comfortable talking to and asking male family members for advice, I began looking for a devotional that was written by other teens or males in their early twenties. After researching it a while I found exactly what I was looking for.
The revised version of Prayers of Motherhood is available through Amazon and Create Space. A blog is coming giving you an update of the changes and corrections that were made to the original book.
A three or four part series on Understanding the book of Songs is planned. This series will give you some ideas on how I interpreted it.
I hope you are as enthusiastic about the upcoming blogs as I am.
I will see you in the next blog
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