Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Question Prayer

Dear God;

Let thy will be done.

As you know we had on election for the next President of the United States.  We both know who I voted for but when it is all said and done the candidate that you have pre-chosen won in the end.  So that all events will occur before your son Jesus Christ will return.  Knowing and  fully believing in this I need to ask you a few questions about the current state of this world.

One of the candidates said that they will send a group of people, who they categorized as minorities, back to their birth countries.  Lord, do they not know that you created everyone and everything on this earth?

If they were successful in returning minorities to their earthly homeland who will spend money in the stores to help contribute to the economy?

Lord, do they not know, or accept and acknowledge, that you are King ?  That you created everything and everyone and while they may make promises about what they will be able to do, once and if, they are elected you are a God whose promises never changes.

Although they want to seat on the throne of President of the United States, You will forever sit on the Heavenly throne.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Child of God response to the election results.

Okay we know that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States of America.

  This morning when I googled the election the first words out of my mouth was: "To God be Glory."  Meaning that I believe that God's will was done. 

What did I do next?  Wake my son up to get ready for school and then went on with my morning.


 I am fifty two years old and have been through several elections.  Some of the candidates I voted for won and some lost.  After each of these elections my bills still needed to be paid, I was still responsible for clothing, maintaining a roof over my son and my heads, and feeding the both of us; Through the glory of God.

What will I do tomorrow?

Wake up, help my son get ready for school, pray, and go on with my life.

In case you were wondering I am an African American child of God.